Monday, May 31, 2010

short list-no excuse mistakes

Brief statement of the case: From covering-up Federal Student loan fraud to attempted murder.

Dr. David and my medical school stalked,harassed, and defamed me for years,telling lawyers not to take my case,telling people not to help me,not to listen to me,defaming me as some sort of deranged terrorist,to discredit me and to cover-up their participation in federal student loan fraud involving me,and other witnesses who came forward,Mike Tyberg.
Ultimately,their covering up for federal student loan fraud lead to attempted murder,an assault that would have left me dead.
Ultimately,covering federal student loan fraud lead to a physical assault on me,a physical assault that lead to making my spinal injuries worse so that I am disabled,and, a physical assault that could have resulted in my being paralyzed or dead.
ADA Spiro has a case for attempted murder as well as federal student loan fraud.
Redenburg covered up attempted murder and federal student loan fraud.

I have certified photocopies of my medical records from Jersey City Medical Center that Redenburg refused to place on the record,refused to enter into evidence in this case,because to do so would vindicate me and discredit Dr.Jelnov and my medical school among others.
Dr. Jelnov lied to discredit me.
He claimed I was "delusional" in part,because I believed that there was contact between my landlord tenant case in New Jersey and my federal case in New York.
There is!
In this case, Scarfone admitted in his affidavit that he spoke with Asaf Rosenheim on 9/18/08 days before my false inprisionment on 9/30/08 at JCMC.
Asfa Rosenheim was a witness against me in a land-lord tenant case in Jersey City handled by Nino Falcone;he has reasons to lie about me.
There are a number of different ways I can demonstrate connections between land lord tenant case(s) in New Jersey and my federal case(s) in New York that include federal student loan fraud;because my credit rating has the black mark of a defaulted student loan,it is very difficult for me to pass a credit check or a background check making it difficult for me to move to get a new apartment as I explained to my landlord in New Jersey. My landlord knew that my medical school lied to steal money from me and Mike Tyberg. I explained the details to him before he started a number of frivolous eviction proceedings against me in early 2007.

Long list-see short list.
To take 5 classes,unlike other "full time" students who were taking 12 to 14 classes in the pre-clinical academic program. For the federal prosecutor,in November 2010- see also,list of questions,line of questioning for ADA Spiro, on pages 24-32 of Wednesday 19 May 2010,letter to Judge McLaughlin, an effort to expand and correct the record. I was not a "full time student during 1995 to 1996.
Also my attorney deliberately left off the record a statue from the C.F.R.that stated explicitly that when a school takes on significant loan making duties,as did my medical school,then,if there is a question about the loan,as here the student/borrower's word is to be believed not the school's.
See page 340 transcript: the court: Well, I remember distinctly sustaining the same objection earlier this morning and the long explanation that incorporated the dichotomy between normal usage of full time student and Albert Einstein's usage of a full time student.
Bogus! Fabricated,made up, not as per C.F.R.

In this case,Redenburg covered up for attempted murder and federal student loan fraud.
See transcript,page 223:"defendant: I would like a subpoena to enter my medical records from Jersey City Medical Center. They are hard copies waiting in the directors office they can be provided immediately."
The director of medical records at JCMC,Bryna Kiesner,has hard copies of my medical records locked in her office,in preparation for this trial,that you can call JCMC to confirm.
Those records and Scarfone's affidavit in this case discredit Dr. Jelnov and vindicate me; Redenburg deliberately kept those records out of this case, to hurt me and to cover up for JCMC and Scarfone/Yeshiva.
Judge McLaughlin was willing to sign a subpoena to get my medical records.
He did not cal Mike Tyberg, another victim of federal student loan fraud,same scam.
Judge McLaughlin was willing to enter ALL my you tube videos into evidence. Redenburg refused to do so.

From JCMC, and to have the director of medical records,Bryna Kiesner, bring them to court and to certify/authenticate them for trial, to vindicate me as not "delusional" and to discredit Dr. Jelnov.
Vindicating me as not "delusional" by this example directly undermines David's testimony against me as delusional,see transcript, page 327..."I mean it's a case study in delusional paranoia." Note David's testimony is mis-labeled as "bogus" on pages 313 to 330.
Judge McLaughlin was willing to sign a subpoena to get my medical records from JCMC, and to have the director of medical records, Bryna Kiesner, bring them to court and certify them for this trial, see transcript, page 222: "If you and your lawyer want me to sign a subpoena, and if you want to go through the interstate agreement on subpoenas, I'm not guaranteeing you that at Monday afternoon at twenty five minutes of five that the witnesses will be here or that litigation eventually will be over with by the time of the trial's conclusion, but I'll be glad too sign a subpoena right now or tomorrow morning". See transcript page 222.
Redenburg refused to call out of state witnesses that would have vindicated me; for example JCMC's employee, Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski, falsely accused me of mailing threatening letters to Judge Nesle A. Rodriquez,as a pretext to falsely imprison me from 9/30/08 to 10/3/08, and to cause a physical assault on 9/30/08 that almost left me dead. Dix-Kielbiowski and all principal actors in Jersey City were in contact with Scarfone/Yeshiva, on, at least, 9/18/08 as per his affidavit in this case.
Redenburg refused to put Judge Nesle A. Rodriquez on the stand and demand that she produce the threatening letters and the post marked envelopes; she cannot produce these because they do not exist.
Redenburg refused to put Stacy Dix- Kielbiowski on the stand to admit that these letters do not exist; she lied.
Redenburg refused to put Debra Simon, a prosecutor from the Hudson County prosecutor's office, on the stand to admit that these letters do not exist; Dix-Kielbiowski lied, and she will point the finger at Nino Falcone.
Redenburg refused to put Dr. Jelnov on the stand to admit that I was not "delusional" that there was contact between my landlord tenant case(s) in Jersey City and my federal case(s) against Yeshiva in New York.
Redenburg refused to enter certified photocopies of my medical records from JCMC into evidence in this criminal trial to show that threatening letters from me to Judge Rodriquez do not exist.

Certified photocopies of my medical records from JCMC with Scarfone's admission of guilt in this trial (there was contact between my landlord tenant case in New York via Scarfone to Rosenheim) would have vindicated me and discredited DR.Jelnov.

Redenburg refused to put Lawrence Sidoni, lawyer in my landlord tenant case, on the stand as evidence that my medical school was stalking me: " Her diagnosis was never explained to her". There was no diagnosis,my medical school lied; see Daw's letter from August 2008 which states that he represented me for almost six years, no one said anything to him about there being something wrong with me, and even now, he says there is nothing wrong with her, her school is lying.

Redenburg refused to authenticate Daw's letter, while Daw was on the witness stand.His purpose was to keep evidence off the record to hurt me and cover up crimes.

Mr. Redenburg makes himself look stupid when he presents the Daw letter at sentencing because the first question that should be asked is why didn't you enter this letter into evidence at trial. The answer to this question shows a dirty lawyer trick a la Nino Falcone
I protested taking Daw out of turn, as my defense witness.
I wanted Daw to testify after the prosecution's witnesses had testified, especially after David had testified.
David tried to testify that I was mentally ill.
Had Daw been presented after David testified, I could have used Daw's testimony and his letter to rebut David's testimony, that there is nothing wrong with me.

Daw was taken out of turn deliberately, as a dirty lawyer trick, to deny me this opportunity to expand and correct the record with Daw's testimony and August 2008 letter

Nino Falcone pulled this dirty trick on me during my landlord tenant case in New Jersey, I explained this to Mr. Redenburg, told him explicitly that I would not agree to taking witnesses out of turn because that was just a dirty trick that was used to hurt me in the past and that I would not agree to be victimized like that again.
Mr. Redenburg refused to respect my wishes, allowed me to come to harm demonstrated ineffective assistance of council, obstruction of justice and legal malpractice.
Moreover, by presenting the Daw letter at sentencing he made a fool out of himself.
By this example, Judge McLaughlin demonstrated that it was more important to railroad me into prison than it was to wait a short amount of time for Daw to return from his trip to Europe, and to testify in turn; Judge McLaughlin demonstrated that it was more important to railroad me than to give me a full and fair opportunity to hear the arguments against me and prepare a defense.

With more examples like this I can demonstrate Judge McLaughlin inflicted malicious harm on me and my family.
Redenburg turned witnesses away. Robert Cross and Ozana Radin wanted to testify; they were turned away.

There was a police report and a police officer that could have been called to testify to how my medical school and individuals associated with my school stalked, harassed, and defamed me for years, but Mr. Redenburg refused to call them as defense witnesses.
Mr. Redenburg deliberately tried to make my case look like the Marlen Abramova case, to deceive. The Abramova case came down to Marlen Abramova's testimony against Todd Olson's testimony. My case is not like Marlen Abramova's. I have a lot of different kinds of evidence to fully supp rt my testimony.

My case is not a he said/ she said case.
This is how the propaganda works. Yeshiva's dishonest doctors and lawyers try to confuse the details of different cases to mislead.

See transcript, page212: "I was physically assaulted in Jersey City because I was called a terrorist"
My intentionally falsified records from JCMC support my testimony. The screening document that Michael S. Stewart, MD, a dishonest psychiatrist, created on 9/30/08 stated that I threatened to blow up schools in Washington- who told him that? Nino Falcone.

Short list no mistakes-genuine, not "delusional"
Redenburg refused to confirm the IPS addresses of emails I received from West Point and the Pentagonto help authenticate them, to counter David's allegations that my blogs a "delusional system"; They are in fact real and genuine.See transcript, David, page 327: " I mean, it's a case study in delusional paranoia" Note-David's testimony is mis-labled as "bogen" on pages 313 to 330.
This discredits David's DX, diagnosis. My blogs are genuine, and I can publish, thia is my first amendment right to free speach and freedom of expression and to protect my life and other witnesses.
Redenburg refused to obtain voluntary, official cooperation from Col.Joseph Fetterman, an attorney licensed to practice in New York State and legal council to Adm.Mullen, chairman,Joint Chiefs of Staff, for confirmation of IPS addresses to confirm emails I received from West Point and the Pentagon, to obtain voluntary, official cooperation from alibi-witnesses in the military(like Col. Kevin Reilly at Ft. Knox, and Jeff Cox, at the Pentagon) to counter John Scarfone's accusation that I was harassing his family at his home in Malverne, N.Y. on 9/23/08 in the early morning, to counter accusations that I was a terrorist, threatening to blow up schools in Washington D.C..
My letters of recommendation to medical schools in 1993 characterize me as having performed "beyond the call of duty" on Walter Reed Army research Institute letterhead stationary; my letters of recommendation from the U.S.Senator Daniel Moynihan,my letters refute the characterization of me as a terrorist in Jersey City. I have the right to obtain and publish these to protect my life.
See transcript,page 212: "I was physically assaulted in Jersey City because I was called a terrorist.

Redenburg refused to get voluntary, official cooperation with Col. Fetterman to show that I walked freely about West Point and Ft. Knox,that I would never been allowed this kind of unfettered access to official military installations if I were some sort of deranged terrorist (as characterized by JCMC), that there is hard evidence of me passing through security at West Point and Ft.Knox (log-books,pictures, I used my cell phone that "pinged"off towers), that i met with with Major Maddox, that I came up to West point twice, once without an appointment and walked around freely.I would never have been allowed this kind of access if I was some sort of deranged terrorist--that I have a compelling need to access and publish my letters of recommendation to counter allegations by JCMC that I am a Terrorist when I am not, to protect myself against threats by Dr. Jelnov at JCMC.

Redenburg refused to get voluntary, official cooperation from Col. Fetterman to help me get witness statements from Major Maddox, Jeff Cox, Col. Kevin Reilly, Lt. Col. Wardle, Col. to confirm my story and authenticate my blogs; my blogs are not a "delusional system".
Dr. David is a complaining witness against me who has a number of reasons to lie about me. He has a retaliatory motive.

Redenburg refused to put into evidence the statute from the C.F.R. that says in order to be characterized as a "full-time" student during the academic year 1995-1996, I must be doing what all other "full-time" students are doing. I was not.

Exculpatory evidence-
-Redenburg/ADA Spiro did not obtain memos released by the school in the Padiyar case, memos which show David commited perjury, that when David was Dean for students he initialed/he signed memos which demonstrate David and the school knew the difference between "full- time" and "part-time" students and that also underscore the fact that Reishgott lied on the witness stand, to wit, 5 classes do not make a full time program in 1995 to 1996. These memos were released in the Jeevan Padiyar case by the school to Padiyar's attorney, one of whom, Tom Shanahan, has a good reputation, as an ethical attorney.

Bogus Ruling:
Judge Mclaughlin fabricated a ruling, see transcript page 340:
"The court: Well, I remember distinctly sustaining the same objection earlier this morning and the long explanation that incorporated the dichotomy between normal usage of a full-time student and Albert Einstein's usage of a full time student status and deciding that it was impossible to answer it remains so".
Wrong! One statute of the C.F.R. explicitly says in order for me to be classified as a " full-time" student in 1995 to 1996, I must be taking the same number of classes as all other "full-time" students,to wit, 12 to 14 classes.

Judge McLaughlin legislated from the bench. he completely ignored the law, and wholesale, unilaterally repeated laws, statutes from the C.F.R. from the bench, to help Yeshiva University steal money.

Memos released by school in Jeevan Padiyar case underscore the fact that David lied on the stand, see transcript page 338; Box 21 on the promissory note has 2 boxes, one foe "full-time", one for"part-time".

The autherized school official, Mr. Greenberg,to check to report my eligibility to borrow in the Stafford, federal student loan program:
Page 338, "Whether you were taking eight courses or one course or a clinical clerkship, which is sort of a block schedule or whether you were, there was no box to check in the structure of the registrar's office or the student finance office where somebody was a part- time student"

Perjury by David reflected in the memos released by school in Padiyar case; these memos show David and the school knew the difference between "full-time' and "part-time' students and that they lied.

David mixes apples and oranges to confuse. There is a difference between the pre-clinical curriculum that is largely just like taking classes in college. The C.F.R. lets a school define a "full- time" program as any number of classes that aschool wants, for example a "full-time" student could take 12 classes or the school could define a "full-time" student as a person who takes 14 classes during the academic year. However, once the school sets this standard, it is bound by it. My school defined "full-time" students in the pre-clinical program as students who took 12to14 classes during the academic year. In order for me to be classified as a "full-time' student,box 21 on my promissory note wherein my eligibilty to borrow is reported, in 1995 to 1996, I must be doing what all other "full-time" students are doing. I must be taking the same number of classes as other "full-time" students. In order for me to be classified as "full-time" I would have to take between12 and 14 classes too, according to the C.F.R. which is controlling. It is irrelevant what internal classifications Einstein invents. In order to borrow money in the Stafford student loan program as a "full-time" student, I have to be taking 12 to 14 classes in 1995 to 1996.

I did not.
At the start of the 1995 to 1996 academic year I was ordered by my Dean of students, Reishgott, and my promotions committee, to take less than 12 to 14 classes, to take less than the number of classes that other "full-time" students were taking.
I was told to take 5 classes.
Ultimately, Einstein cancelled 2 classes.
The 3 classes I took, 2 minor classes and 1 major (embrology genetics and biochemistry) was not enough to establish my eligibility to borrow in the Stafford federal loan program.
Iwas not eligibile to receive a state tap grant or a federal pell grant either; the fact that my school lied to say I was a "full-time" student to get these grants demonstrates criminal intent.

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