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Wednesday, 5 May-2010-notes from jail.
I called Col. Fetterman, said, essentially this is an emergency. Please call Wiley Deck at congressman Mica's office, telephone : 904- 810-5048, tell Mr. Deck to call the independent federal prosecutor at the U.S. department of Justice, now.
I called Robert Kosowski, executive director at the Nassau County Civic Association; I said, essentially, this is an emergency, please call Wiley Deck at Congressman Mika"s office; ask mr. Deck to get the independent federal prosecutor to take action,now. These phone calls and voice messages can be suboenaed by the independent federal prosecutor. Also phone calls from Rikers Island can be supoenaed as they are recorded. Also, calls from Rikers are monitored, listen to and those individuals can be supoenaed as witnesses.
I am being theatened now. My attorney, Michael redenburg, told me essentially ,that the threats that Dr. Jelnov articulated in Jersey City, N.J., would be acted on now: if you do not shut up, we will lie about even more, with te goal of puttig you in a locked psychiatric ward for life-imprisonment, because we can't stand the evidence you are bring foward.....- AdA Spiro threatened me too, he is helping Yeshiva University cover-up federal student loan fraud, in addition to other crimes and transgressions. I left voice-messages for Col. Fetterman, telephone: 703-693-6104, at the Pentagon.
Motion to vacate my conviction
Brief statement of the issues.
1. My conviction is based on prosecutorial misconduct by ADA Spiro; obstruction of justice; official misconduct by Judge Simpson pursuant to section 195 of New York's penal law; ineffective assistant of council by two state appointed attorneys; ineffective assistance of council, obstuction of justice, and misconduct by my private attorney.
Michael Redenburg.
I demand that my conviction be vacated immediately, made void, cancelled, nullified.
My attorney, Michael Redenburg, should be making this motion immediately, tlephone: 631-748-0601.
The fact that he is not demonsrates deceit and collusion under N.Y." judicial law section487; in addition to other action that I can take against him for refusing to avocate for me "aggressively and affordably" as he advertized, including actio I can take for legal malpractice.
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Motion to vacate conviction- con't.
Point 1: ADA spiro lied to the trial judge, judge McLaughin (sp?) ( part 93)
ADA spiro said the supoena for my records was good only to 1997.
This is a lie
The supoena was good for all my records from my medical school including my letters of recommendation.
My letters of reommendation show a background that is wholly inconsistent with a characterization of me as a "terrorist" as per intentionally falsified records at Jersey City Medical Center and wholly inconsistent with a characterization of me as " unpatriotic" as per the Bush White House after my letter was conveyed through diplomatic channels to President George W. Bush from the President of Bosnia.. In 2007 on the Columbia University Campus, hundred of witnesses saw me ask the President of Bosnia for assistance. This historical event is preserved on Columbia university's web-sites and linked to my blogs. others used the information posted on my blogs on their web-sites and linked totheir blogs to mine. taking down my blogs destroys history and violates our 1st amendment right to free speech and freedom os expression. see insert bottom of point 1.
Point 1: My medical school supported by wealthy racist Zionists want to take down my blog-sites, destroy evidence and information and rewrite history. In addition, individuals that I have testified against, notably Asaf Rosenheim have a retalitory motive. John Scarfone, a complaining witness against me in this case (docket no:2009-nny-048859) swore in his signed affidavit that he got a call from Asaf Rosenheim on (/18/2008. This was days before my false imprisonment on 9/30/2008.
Dr. Jelnov at Jersey City Medical Center, tried to diognosis me [ from 9/30/2008 to 10/3/2008 at Jersey City Medical Center] as "delusional", in part,because he claimed I had the false belief that there was contact between my land-lord tenant case in New Jersey and my federal case against my medical school in N.Y. There is ! I am not delusional. John Scarfone swore to this in contact in his affadavit. I testified against Asaf Rosenheim twice.
Asaf Rosenheim lied to Homeland security. he and his associates were running criminal schemes out of an apartment we shared in Jersey City.
Rosenheims associates are from Israel. In addition, according to John Scarfone's affadavit, Rosenheim contacted the Israel embassy in America to complain about me.
Israel does not like my blogs because I demonstate how the Zionist propagander works.. Israel does not want me to finsh my book. "U.S. domestic policy and the Israel lobby" a natural sequel to Walt Meishearmer's work "U.S. foreign policy and the Israel lobby". In short I am a political prisoner that Israel wants silenced, discredited and, if nessary, killed.
I survived a murder attempt on 9/30/2008 in Jersey City. I was physically assaulted and while trying to recover from 5 herniated discs and a pinched nerve. I vomitted after the attack several times. This is indicative of stimulating the gag reflex which is indicative of a life threatening condition: bleeding in the brain. Asaf Rosenheim is ex-military. He is ex-military, Israel.
Piont 4: My medical school has been falsely characterizing me as a "terrorist" so that dishonest lawyers and doctors could violate my rights to privacy and stalk me through life using the patriot act, for instance. Dishonest lawyers associated with my medical school wanted to know who my lawyers were, how much money I had , and who my contacts were, so that they could undermine my civil suit, when I was compelled to sue my medical school in federal court to obtain and correct my records. Apparently , Jeevam Padiyar, another student who was illegally expelled from my medical school, was falsely characterized as a terrorist too. I called for open hearings in congress to expose these abuses as terrorism has become the new McCarthy-ism.
These bogus criminal charges are intended to imtimidate, retaiate and silence me because the U.S. government is ashamed on a international stage.
Point 5: My medical school has tampered with my records demonsratated by a form I signed in 1993 on Columbia University letterhead; Einstein changed the "3" to look like a "9". ADA Spiro did not supoeana these records from Columbia University. ADA Spiro did not seek to check hard-copies or scanned copies. ADA Spiro did not seek a verification from Columbia University that a diligent search of Columbia's records could find in no such form. In fact i applied to medical school on 1993, I matriculated at Einstein in August 1994. I tried to transfer to another medical school in 1997. I did not apply to medical schools in 1999.
The "3" was changed to a "9" to deceive Judge Simpson into believing that I waived my rights to access my letters of recommendation in 199"9" That is a lie. I signed a waiver in 199"3" pursuant to making an application to medical schools in 1993. I did not waive my rights to obtain my records pursuantto a need to defend myself in a criminal trial. I did not waive my rights pursuant to a need to publish my letters of recommendation in order to stop my school and the complaining witnesses, notably James David, from lying about my past.
Point 6: Judge Simpson is embarrassed. I spoke with the pre- med advisor at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. She is willing to talk to her students/cadets and their families about the kinds of things they can do to independently archive their letters of recommendation to medical school so that never again can a medical sckool hold these letters hostage in order to lie about a students past. As a member of Rev. Al Sharpton's national action network I make a positive, progressive change in the field of education as requested by the President of the United States, Obama. Rev. Sharpton had a meeting with president Obama and returned with these marching orders.
Mr. Mikey Weinstein wants to silence me because I challenged him on his campus, U.S. Air Force Academy, vindicated Christian generals that he attacked unfairly and showed that his argument was wrong: There is no such thing as "separation of church and state". That idea came from a mis-quote from one of our founding fathers. Our constitution says we support all relgions equally and fairly or we support none. Fuller explanations and details of this argument are posted on my blog sites. This is my intellectual property. I may offer my book to support a Ph.d to a Harvard professor upon whose work I built mine. Our work must be preserved for history, even if George W Bush doesn't like it.
Point 7. Redenburg refused to cross-examine John Scarfone regarding his contact with Asaf Rosenheim. these are events after 9/12/2008. Redenburg refused to put the following facts on the record to mislead the court:
9/18/08- contact between Asaf Rosenheim and John Scarfone. Both have a retalitory motive against me. I was named as a witness against John Scarfone in the 2006 Marlen Abramova case.
9/30/08- I saw Dr. Hausknecht in the morning. I was not mentally ill. I obtained a certifcation from Patrick Williams that shows I have emotional qualities that I could not possess if we believed James David. In fact James David has been defaming me, and stalking me for years. James David has a retalitory motive against me for a number of diferent reasons including the fact that he, is resposible for federal student loan fraud, as a member of my promotions committee. The promotions committee is responsible for tha academic progress of students; it had an initial duty and it has a continuing duty to accurately report the number of classes Yeshiva University ultimately provided to me in order to establish my eligibility to borrow on a federal student loan program, and in order to establish my eligibility to reive a state tap grant ( tuition assistance program grant) and in order to establish my eligibility to receive a federal pell grant.
James David was my adversary during the October 1997 meeting at which I was illegally expelled. This was not a hearing. James David advocated for Todd Olson, a Ph.d who threatened me and, subsequently acted on his threat by trying to put a stop to my work at Long Island Jewish Medicas Center with William P. Rennie, MD.- again, much of this is explained on my blogs.
My blog(s) have to be entered into the court record. Under the rules of evidence, I have the right to enter my entire, complete blog(s) into the court record so that my words and phrases are not taken out-of-context to misconstrue my meaning.
Michael J. Reichgott and James David have already taken words and phrases out-of-context for example, my use of the words " deadly force". I have the right to protect my life shoud I be attacked again by security guards or police who are lied to , as happened in JerseyCity.
Robert Cross and I were attacked in Jersey City because my landlords, their attorney, municipal court judge in North Bergen, New Jersey, Nino Falcone, and Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski lied. Their lies led to Judge Nesle A Rodriguez and Judge Fast, and to John Scarfone via contact with Asaf Rosenheim. Nino Falcone called Asaf Rosenheim as a witness in my landlord-tenant case in Jersey City.
9/30/2008- 4pm-a screening document is being deliberatley concealed to cover-up for Falcone and Dix in Jersey City.
9/30/08- 7pm- Robert Cross and I are attacked.
9/30/08 to 10/31/08- Jersey City Medical Center deliberatley made a false record to discredit me as a potential witness. The details are posted on my blogs and have to entered as evidence.
Point 8. James david has been stalking me for years, telling people that I am a "paranoid schizophrenic". That is a lie. ADA Spiro has a long list of doctors, lawyers, teachers, businessmen and others who I have worked with over the course of years who can confirm that I have no medical disease or defect. Some of these have testified as expert witnesses.
They include Dr.Blau, Dr. Rennie, Andrew Lankler, James Daw, Jr, Dr. hausknecht and 3 to 4 other doctors on his team.
In sum, all ADA Spiro had to due was make a few phone calls to confirm that his complaining witness, James David, was a liar and that he had a retalitory motive. There was no reason for this trial. the point of this trial was to brutalize me and my family and milk us for money defending false criminal charges. This informatiom and evidence is posted on my blog(s) to protect my life, see letters and certifications from Lankler and Daw.
The Manhattan District Attorney's office has been covering up federal student loan fraud since Summer of 2008 when Mike Tyberg and I reported to ADA Jonathan Lenzer.
The Bronx D.A. had been covering-up federal stsudent loan fraud since 2005; ADA linda Tacoma lied to Congressman Weiner's office. The Hudson County Prosecutor's office has been covering-up federal student loan fraud since 2005- the police(the33rd and the 34th) refuse to take valid complaints against Yeshiva University as witnessed by Angel Audiffred, chief of staff at City Councilman Rodriguez's office; see also my videos on youtube.
Michael Redenburg refused to enter my videos into evidence in order to deliberately lose my case,even though the trial judge would allow it. My videos show me addressing D.A. Vance Regarding federal student loan fraud
Point 9 In November 2010 the federal government will take even more action against me to force me to pay for classes Yeshiva never provided compelling me with the federal government to obtain and correct my records.
Point 10 Reichgott's perjury.
Reichgott was asked: Do 5 classes make a full-time program? He said "yes". He Lied.
ADA Spiro can subpoeana almost 180 academic transcripts from full-time students from 1995 to1996 to show that Reichgott committed perjury, for addition, almost a year ago Debra Simon confirmed by looking at my original college bulletins. The class schedules of 1st and 2nd year students to show that Reichgott lied on the stand.
Fact: Five classes did not make upa "full-time" academic program in the academic year of 1995 to 1996. Mr. Greenburg, the "authorized school official" lied, when, outside of my presence and without my knowledge, in 1995 he completed the section of a promissory note/loan application that stated I was a "full time" student.
My attorney, Michael Redenburg refused to call Mr. Greenburg as a defense witness, in order to deliberatley lose my case. Mr. Redenburg refused to call Mike Tyberg as a defense witness in order to help Yeshiva University cover-up federal student loan fraud. Mike Tyberg is another vistim of the same criminal scheme Yeshiva University pulled on me to steal money in a federal student loan program, it pulled on Mike Tyberg years later, demonstrating that intentionally falsifying finalcial records to steal money from students is a pattern and practice at Veshiva University.
Criminal intent is also demonstrated by the fact that Yeshiva Universitytook tap grants (state tax-payer grant program, the tuition assistance program) and Pell grants ( federal tax-payer grant program) that Mike Tyberg and I were not eligible to receive because Yeshiva University lied about our "full time" status; again demonstrating a pattern of practice of criminal conduct by school officials. Further, over a year ago Debra Simon a prosecutor at the Hudson County Prosecutors office, looked at my original college bulletins. She confirmed that "5" classes was not a full time program. Also Col.Kevin C. Reilly helped me authenticate our original college bulletins when I visited him at Ft. Knox on Monday, 9/22/2008 I provded his contact information, and posted it on my blog(s), for ease of reference. Most recently, I explained how Yeshiva engaged in federal student loan fraud, and Judge Patterson's fabricated rulings in my federal civil case in the southern district, on youtube videos. Go to youtube username: "crooked doctors". The trial Judge, Judge McLaughlin ? in criminal court, part 93- would have let me enter these videos as evidence. My attorney, Mr, Redenburg refused in order to help Veshiva University cover-up for fraud. Mr. Redenburg and ADA Spiro are parties to fraud, as is ADA Jonathan Lenzer and former DA Robert Morgenthau.
Debra Simon, prosecutor, is a witness against Michael J. Reichott, now.
Now, the federal government is taking action against me to try to force me to pay for classe Yeshiva University never provided.
Now, Michael Reichgott is on the record lying about my eligibility to borrow as s "full-time" student.
Now,the U.S. Department of Justice has evidence to correct my financial records, refund my money with intrest and prosecute Michael J. Reichgott and Yeshiva University for fraud.
Point 11-- Scarfone back-pedeled when truth exposed on blog; "3" changed to "9"
I posted the document wherein my medical school had tampered with a date on a form; to deceive Judge Simpson, Einstein changed the"3" to look like a "9" as in 199"9" . Because I exposed this fraud on the internet, when confronted on the witness stand, John Scarfone back-pedeled, stated that the last digit could look like a "3" or a "9", thereby demonstrating the purpose of my blog is to protect my life by exposing the truth, acainst a dishonest lawyer, John Scarfone who lied about me before, in the 2006 Abramova case, and has a retalitory motive.
My attorney refused to present this evidence, to undermine the creditability of a complaining witness, demonstrating ineffective assistance of coucil, and obstruction of justice.
Point 12 Events after 9/12/08.
[ obstruction, ineffective assistance of council, prosecutorial misconduct]
My attorney, Michael Redenburg refused to question Scarfone about;
(1) His retalitory motive against me because I was named as a witness against my medical school in the 2006 Marlen Abramova case,
(2) Refused to show how John Scarfone lied about me before, and
(3) Refused to question Scarfone about the conduct he had with Asaf Rosenheim on 9/18/2008, days before my false imprisonment. On 9/30/2008. specifically, Dr. Jelnov tried to diagnosis me as " delusional" in order to discredit me as a witness by saying I had the false belief that there was contact between my landlord-tenant case in Jersey City and my federal case against my medical school in N.Y.. There is !!. Scarfone admitted to that contact in this case; in short Scarfone discredited Dr. Jelnov. My attorney, Mr. Redenburg refused to bring out the fact that I was physically assaulted and almost killed when I was attacked while trying to recover from spinal injuries in Jersey City because of lies my medical school circulated about me.
My attorney refused to bring out the fact that my remarks, about using the words "deadly force" on my blog if attacked again, are reasonable when placed in the context: I was threatened and those threats wre acted on. Further characterizations of me as "obsessed" are absurd when I am trying to protect my life against real threats, and real acts by real criminals.
Overall I am not the one with a mental health problem. When ADA Spiro lies to a judge that is not a problem that originates with me. ADA Spiro should have his head examined not me. When Judge Simpson refuses to enforce a suboeana to help my school cover-up, that is not a problem that originates with me, that is official misconduct by Judge Simpson. When Michel Reichgott lies on the stand, that is not a problem that originates with me, Reichgott should have his head examined, not me.
When my attorney deliberately throws my case that is not a problem that originates with me, that is legal malpractice, and ineffective assistance of council and obstruction of jutice.
Point 13. Todd Olson, a complaining witness never testified. Todd Olson has a retalitory motive against me, for a number of reasons including the fact that I was named as a witness against him in the 2006 Abramova case; Todd Olson and James David have a history about lying about me.
Tese are facts my attorney refused to put-on-the-record to undermine the creditability of the complaining witness, demonstrating ineffective assistance of council obstruction of justice.
Point 14. My attorney refused to authenticate the IPS addresses of emails I received from West Point Military Academy and placed on my blog even though Col. joe Fetterman, legal council to Adm. Mullen Chairman, Joint Chiefs, top military leader in America was willing to work with me and despite the fact that I got official, voluntary cooperation from West Point Fort Knox and the U.S. Air Force Academy in the past.
My blog protects my life, demonstrates that I am not mentally ill, and shows the corruption of the U.S. government; these are not reasons to take my blog(s) down. These are reasons to keep my blog(s) up.
Point 16 November 2010, James David is stalking me. I want orders of protection aginst him.
I have never been James David's patient. Robin Pattin was his patient, not me. James David defamed me on the stand as a "paranoid schizophrenic"in order to discredit me as a witness against him for his participation in federal student loan fraud in the upcoming proceeding(s) targeted for November 2010.
The job of the promotions committee is to monitor the academic progress of medical students. the testimony of the complaining witness that the job of the promotions committee is to deal with " behavioral probems" is just a smoke-screen to cover-up for their participation in federal student loan fraud. Reichgott, Olson and David as members of my promotions committee had an initial duty and they have a continuing duty to accuratly report the number of classes that Yeshiva University ultimately provided to me in order to establish my eligibility to borrow in a federal student loan program and in order to establish my eligibility to receive state and federal grants.
The fact that my attorney refused to challenge David's self- serving and wholly false characterization of me-- a doctor who is lying to help a school steal money from me, is not creditable--demonstrates ineffective assistance of council. This is not a problem that originates with me. Further, my attorney refused to bring out the following facts:
(a) I was charged a $1200 lab fee during my second year in medical school, I never took a lab course during my second year.
(b) I never took a leave of absence from medical school, there is no letter from me to my medical school requesting a leave and and there is no letter from the medical school to me granting a leave, my academic transcript report a leave and a medical leave falsely, in fact, I was consructively evicted, illegally, when Reichgott, a complaining witness, goaded by Martin Bockstein, a dishonest lawyer from Yeshiva University locked me out of my apartment. I refused to sign a contract releasing my medical school from liability in my case.
(c) It is impossible to believe that I was on medical leave when my medical school cancelled my medical insurance, unlike Marlen Abramova and Robin Pattin.
Note: The contract Yeshiva University demanded that I sign included releasing from liability Reichgott,David and Olson, and marti Bockstein. They all have a retalitory motive against me, and reasons to lie about me.
Poin 17 --I have never been James David's patient. The fact that he diagnosed me on the witness stand and my attorney did not strongly protest and put a stop to it, demonstrates ineffective of council. Further, James David cannot diognose me based on my public statements because he does not know everything. He does not know, for example, what secracy agreements I signed.
I never presented myself to James David (or Janice Bennet) as a patient for diagnosis and treatment; the fact that they said so is sick, and a violation of N.Y.State law as detailed on my blog(s).
A vice president who invited me to work at his hospital (a major teaching hospital in Manhattan).
Andrew Lankler,1998 to now, his letter plus certification is posted on my blog(s) to protect my life against Dr. Jelnov's threats: "If you do not shut-up, we will lie about even more with the goal of putting you in a psychiatric ward for life" a la Soviet psychiatry, psychiatry used as a political weapon; James J. Daw, Jr. from 1996 to now, his letter and certification are posted on my blog(s) to protect my life against Dr. Jelnov's threats.
Friday, May 7, 2010
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