Building # 16, Riker's Island Docket no:2009-NY-048859
East Elmhurst,New York 11370
Wednesday,19 May 2010
Judge McLaughlin
c/o Clerk of Court
100 Center St. 12th floor
new york, N.Y.
Delivered by hand and Fed-X
Re: Medical malpractice' court-ordered psychiatric exam
- Jess Berkowitz, conflict of interest
-U.S.Dept. of Justice takes action in November 2010
Dear Judge McLaughlin:
-Please see http//, for the framework for the motion to vacate the verdict/motion to vacate the conviction.
-See youtube videos,go to youtube,at username, type in "crookeddoctors" (one word,no spacers),note: federal student loan fraud involves a state guarantee agency,fraud in the state tap program,and violation of various state laws,see list annexed to the end of this communication,for ease of reference,(see list of state involvement on page 16)
-I am publishing evidence and information on the Internet and by every means possible to protect my life and the lives of other innocent victims and witnesses.
-Events after 9/12/2008
-Unlike the dishonest doctors and lawyers,who are complaining witnesses in this bogus criminal case,and who argue weakly about "potential violence", Robert Cross and I are victims of real violence; because I am being stalked through life by doctors, lawyers, and other profoundly disturbed individuals associated with my medical school, and I was physically assaulted at Jersey City Medical Center on Tuesday 9/30/2008. That attack, while I was trying to recover from spinal injuries including a pinched nerve,could have left me paralyzed or dead.
-This court already has ample information to show that I do not have any mental disease or defect including any that would preclude from practicing medicine,see my medical records from Aric Hausknecht,MD, board certified psychiatry, Neurology and pain management. Dr. Hausknecht and his team of specialists has been treating me for weeks and months for spinal injuries sustained in a car crash on 6/24/2008. Note especially Dr. Hausknecht's mental status exam 7/29/2008 that found that found no thought or mood disorders,and his exam on 9/30/2008 that found I was not in a "manic" state. In short,Dr. Stewart,a dishonest psychiatrist,lied to commit the crime of false imprisonment against me;living in fear of false imprisonment and more violence against me are elements in the crime of stalking that show I am the victim here,not the complaining witness.
- I am posting my records, including my medical records on the e Internet to protect myself from psychopaths like David and Stewart.
I was never David's patient/I demand an order of protection against him,immediately.
-Because Scarfone in this case(a complaining witness against me who has a retaliatory motive,he lied about me in the past when I was a witness against him) admitted that there is contact between my landlord-tenant case in Jersey City and my federal case(s) in N.Y.(discrediting Dr.Jelnov and vindicating me)and because David,another complaining witness against me with a retaliatory motive(I was named as a witness against him in other cases, he is responsible for federal student loan fraud,he was my adversary during the Oct. 1997 promotions committee meeting, not a hearing) and because he showed in this case that he is defaming me and stalking me through life,urging the police not to protect me, my family and my friends, as the events in Jersey City reveal(even though corroborating witnesses were deliberately turned away to create an international false court record in this case),and because I was almost murdered because of the events in Jersey City,I demand an order of protection for me and my family against James David, MD and John Scarfone, immediately.
-I was never James David's Patient!
-I never presented myself to David for diagnosis and treatment;he is acting beyond the scope of his authority in violation of New York State Statutes when he runs around my back defaming me and publishing an unfounded diagnosis about me; I posted these statutes on my blogsite(s) to protect me and my family and my friends from this psychopath.
-When he publishes an unfounded diagnosis about me he is defaming me in an effort to discredit me because David is a doctor who is helping Yeshiva University lie to steal money; in addition, I was named as a witness against him in other cases. Further, David has a retaliatory motive against me because he helped Todd Olson lie to my promotions committee in OCT.1997,a meeting not a hearing.Overall David has reasons to lie about me.
ADA Spiro/ Prosecutable Misconduct
-ADA Spiro and his court have access to a long list of doctors, lawyers, teachers, professors, hospital staff on every level and from every specialty over the course of 20 tears, including a Vice-president from a major teaching hospital in Manhattan, to show that over the course of the past twenty years, I have a sound mind, good moral character, increased functioning, and emotional qualities that would be impossible for me to possess if I were "schizophrenic".
David/ published statements.
_ If David presumes to diagnosis me based on my public statements then, he better have all the secrecy agreements that I signed in my life with all the proper waivers with all the proper authorizations from all the authorized personnel that I contact for independent verification and he better be able to speak knowingly about everything that I have done in my life and all the facts I know and everything that is going on in my life before he tries diagnosing me. He can't.
-David is a doctor who is helping Yeshiva University lie to steal money, commit other crimes and transgressions and is not creditable; he had a retaliatory motive and reasons to lie about me including the fact that I confronted him about his handling of the Abramova case.
Acting beyond his scope/ David violates State Laws.
I never presented myself as a patient to David for diagnosis and treatment. When he publishes a diagnosis about me , he is defaming me, acting beyond the scope of his authority in violation of New York State Law.
-I published these statutes on one blog( use google asthe search engine to get to the blog site.
-In short, James David is a psyocpath; I was NEVER his patient. He has been running around behind my back defaming me to get away with crimes like Federal Student loan fraud, and insurances fraud involving Blue Cross and Blue sSheild.
-I am the third student Einstein tried to label as "schizophrenic" = A criminal scheme.
-Einstein is running a criminal scheme.
-I am the third student they have done this to!
-Dr. Ajay P Garg, for example, witnessed a medical malpractice, the school thought he would be a witness in a big medical malpractice suit, so they railroad him out of school and tried to discredit him as a potential witness by trying to labelhim as"pschotic" and "schizophrenic". He is not. He is a sucessful practing doctor in the United States with no mental disease or defect that predludes him from practing medicine.
-Dr.Garg's attorneys found another student that the Promotions Committee claimed was "psychotic" but they gave that student a medical degree: The Albert Einstein College of Medicine, where the Standards are so low that contact with reality is not a requirement for the medical degree .
-Einstein gave me minority-student status pursant to the medical school application guidelines.
-I was used as a token in the admissions process, to demonstrate diversity and the harassed for two years, until, ultimatrely, Einstein denied me acess to health care without accepting a violation of my right to privacy in consultation with my doctor, effectively denying me health care after I inhaled a patient's blood.
-The attacks against me started the very first day, long before I said or did anything.
-Medical malpractice /Court-ordered psychiatric exam/demand for an order of protection against James David.
-I demand to see the application for this court-ordered psychatric exam abd demand to know the name of the psychiatrist involved so I can sue him/her for medical malpractice for not knowing the FACTS or the LAW of my case.(s).
-I demand, again , an immediate order of protection against James David for me and my family.
-I have the right not to be stalked through lofe by James David, a profoundly-disturbed individual and a co-conspirator in Federal student fraud, among other crimes, including insurance fraud.
(1) Asas Rusenheim and his lover, Harry.
-I testifed against him twice. Based on the evidence I brought forward, Rosenheim admitted to lying to Homeland Security, on the witness stand.
(2)John Scarfone-admitted to contact with my landlord/tenant case in Jersey through Rosenheim and Falcone--(this contacts discredits Jelnov in Jersey City and vindicates me(Laydia)
(3)Nino Falcone
(4)Ralph and Mayda Pagnozzi
(5)Robert Ruiz
(6)Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski
(7)Michael S. Stewart, MD.
(8)Dr. Jelnov
(9)Dr. LaMunica
(10)other staff from Jersey City medical center, to be named
(11)Judge Nesle A. Rodriguez
(12)plus other to be named
-U.S. Department of Justice takes action in November 2010- Now, not years ago!
-Here's how STUPID this prosectionis:
-In November 2010, the U.S. Dept.ustice plans on taking action against me to force me to pay for classes at Yeshiva University never provided, compelling me, with the U.S. Dept. of Justice to obtain and correct my recdords from Yeshiva University.
-The point of this persecution was to brutalize me, and milk me for legal fees because I had and I continue to haave a legitimate purpose in obtaing and correcting my records.
Here's what's really going on. Einstein 's dishonest lawyers, notably Martin Bockstein, and dishonest doctors, invented this big fake story about how they watched me devrlop a major mental illness during my two years in medical school, and circdulated that bogus story to all the Agencies that they are accountable to.
-Now, that it turns out not to be true, and I am the third student so far, that they have run this criminal scheme on they are desperate to try and turn their lies into the truth so they can preserve a corrupt system to target the next innocent victim.
-In November 2010,we will be doing this all over again with the U.S. Department of Justice, because I had and continue to have a legitimate purpose in contacting Yeshiva University; my records are my property.
-Only this time, Judge McLaughlin can explain how he helped a school brutalize a student.
Legitimate purpose/U.S. Supreme Court/ constitutional issue/ my records are my property.
My records are my property because I paid the fees that caused those records to be created and maintained, just like when Judge McLaughlin visits a doctor, those records belong to Judge McLaughlin, not his doctor because Judge McLaughlin paid the fees that caused those records to be created and maintained.
Jess Berkowitz- conflict of interest/ ineffective assistance of council/ obstruction.
In the past few days, I was shocked to discover that Jess Berkowitz, my first State-appointed public defender, is a graduate of Yeshiva University,s law school and donates money to this school. He never should have represented me due to conflict of interest. I only discovered this information a few days ago and am still in shock that neither Mr. Berkowitz nor Judge Simpson told me this. Mr. berkowitz's conflict of interest does, however, go a long way in explaining how deliberately ineffective he was in representing me, including such extreme conduct that I had to call the police to stop Mr. Berkowitz from verbally abusing me and compel him to turn over the complaining witnesses, affidavits, after months, just to see the accusations against me. And there is a witness, who is unrelated to me, who can testify to this.
List of state involvment.
-Judge McLaughlin tried to mislead, to create a false court record, and ADA Spiro and my private attorney, Michael Redenburg refused to protest and correct the record, even though I educated them; they knew Judge McLaughlin was wrong.
- Judge McLaughlin tried to say, essentially, that because I demonstrated FEDERAL student loan fraud there was no state involvement, no state action, "nothing he could do" in a state court.
He lied.
(1)-Federal student loans are over-seen by a state guarantee agency, the Higher Education Services Corp. (HESC); I paid a fee to this agency,thus, this agency owes me a duty.
-Denial of equal protection of law,42 USC 1983 claim.
Exposing corruption.
The U.S. Government does not want an inquiry, open public hearings in Congress because the American Government does not want "former" students like me, asking why the fees they paid to their state guarantee agencies were "recalled" by the Federal Government. "Recalled" someone Else's money is stealing.
Evidence from the Jeevan Padiyar case.
(2) Einstein/Yeshiva demonstrated criminal intent by intentionally falsifying my status as "full time" to steal a Tap Grant from N.Y. State. the same scam they used on me, they used on Mike Tyberg. Mike Tyberg and I were not "full time " students as per memos that James David signed/ initialed when he was Dean of students. those memos were released by Einstein in the Jeevan Padiyar case to an attorney, Tom Shanahan. Tom Shanahan has a reputation for being ethical; in other words, I did not forge these memos.
-ADA Spiro has ample access to witnesses(students, staff, and members of the promotions committee) to confirm the information in these memos, including Mike Tyberg as a witness.
Illegal expulsions:
-Those memos also reveal the existence of another witness, a student who "left the room" during a promotions committee meeting, not a hearing. This student did not just pick herself up and flounce out of the meeting room. She, like me, was not permitted to stay, to fully participate, demonstrating how Einstein twists the truth, how Einstein deliberately falsifies record to give the impression that students get hearings before adverse action is taken against them, when, in fact, that is not true.
-My records, for example, reveal the same lie.they record that I "left the room" when, in fact there was no hearing in Oct. 1997 and I was not permitted to stay to confront and cross-examine witnesses against me; a pattern and practice at this school.
Einstein did not produce any written-published-faculty-approved hearing procedure that was used in my case, and Einstein did not produce any certified-verbatim-transcript of a hearing in my case; without producing these Einstein cannot argue for a 4-month statue of limitations pursuant to an article78 judicial review; in short, Einstein's attorneys lied about me getting a hearing and they lied about other students getting a hearing.
(2) State Tap program- State Tuition Assistance program grant (financed by state tax payers)
Yeshiva falsified my records and Mike Tyberg's records to steal money from this program. Mike Tyberg and I are witnesses, we are two data-points that span a 10 year period, giving a potential claim under civil Rico. Racketeering, influenced,corrupt,organizations. a la organized crime.
(3) Actively preventing me and Mike Tyberg from correcting our business records at Yeshiva University is a crime under N.Y. Penal Law.
(4)Judge Shawndya Simpson refused to enforce a valid subpoena for all my records; this is a crime under section 195 of New York's penal law for official misconduct.
(5) I am the victim of stalking and harassment by dishonest doctors and lawyers and other dishonest individuals associated with Yeshiva University Pursuant to New York's penal laws. Robert Cross and I were physically assaulted, not the complaining witnesses.
- I was threatened; those threats were acted on.
-I was and I am falsely imprisoned.
-I live in fear of more violence by psychopaths like James David who participate in malicious prosecution and abuse of process. This is how the propaganda works; they accuse the victim, see notes I gave to the Hudson County Prosecutors office. They are working off my notes.
Human Experiment-Illegal
(6) The strategy that Einstein/Yeshiva is using against me is a analytical technique called "learned helplessness"; check with Dr. Blau, as an expert witness.
-From experiments done on dogs, to me a human experiment against my will a la Tuskeegee. (recall, I have minority student status at a school where non-Orthodox- Jews like me are called "not human") like me, "learned helplessness" is intended to drive it's target into a deep depression and ultimately, into suicide;promoting a suicide is a crime under N.Y.State Penal Law.
-ADA Spiro and members of the U.S. military already taunted me, "nothing I can do...nothing I can do" making a reference to this issue, as described on my blog(s) and as I discussed with an attorney in N.J..
-In fact, there is plenty ADA Spiro can do to prosecute Yeshiva University and protect innocent victims like me. ADA Spiro and ADA Lenzer deliberately did nothing but cooperate with Yeshiva University's crimes.
(7) Making false police reports is a crime.
(8) Because I was told I was "not human", because I was not an Orthodox-Jew, all Yeshiva's actions against me are hate crimes.
Line of questioning for ADA Spiro.
When the U.S. Dep't of Justice takes action November 2010, here is the line of questioning for ADA Spiro, a co-conspirator in federal student loan fraud:
-ADA Spiro, did you check the statues in the Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) to see that an order to be classified as a "full time" student in the academic year 1995-1996 Ms. Radin would have to be doing what all other "full time" students were doing during the academic year 1995-1996? NO.
-ADA Spiro, did you check the statues in the C.F.R. to see that when a school takes on significant loan making duties, as did Ms. Radin's medical school,then, if there is a question about the loan, as here in Ms. Radin's case, the law says that the student/ borrower's word is to be believed, not the school's? NO.
ADA Spiro, did you check the memos that Einstein/Yeshiva released in the Jeevan Padiyar case that were signed/initialed by James David, a complaining witness with a retaliatory motive against Ms. Radin, wherein he and the promotions committee explicitly comment on the " full Time" and "part time" status of students, memos that directly contradict Michael Reichgott's testimony that 5 classes make a " full time" program underscoring the fact that Reichgott lied?
ADA Spiro, did you subpoena any one of the over 350 academic transcripts that are available to you from the first year students or the second year students during the academic year 1995-1996 to confirm that Ms. Radin was not taking the same number of classes as any of the other "full time" students in the pre-clinical curriculum to confirm that Einstein had intentionally falsified her enrollment status? NO!
ADA Spiro, did you confirm that as a decelerated student Ms. Radin's class attendance, exams, tests and quizes would be closly monitored and that if she missed any exam or quiz that wuold be an immediate issue for her Dean, Reichgott, and the promotions commmittee? NO!
ADA Spiro, did you confirm that the promotions committee meets once a month during the academic year, and that if Ms. Radin missed any exam or quiz during the period of time from Jan. 1996 to May 1996 in the courses Parasitology or infectious diseases that would have been an immediate issue for her Dean, Reichgott and her promotions committee? NO!
ADA Spiro, did you confirm the story Einstein told about Ms. Radin not attending parasitology or infectious diseases and it's bogus excuses Ms. Radin not attending classes and not sitting for exams in those classes is wholly inconsistent and un believable according to Einsteins policies,pattern and practice with regard to other decelerated students? NO!
ADA Spiro, as a court officer did you give a false impression that the subpoena for Ms. Radin records from her medical school was good only to 1997 YES!
ADA Spiro, please examine that subpoena, placed before you now, can you point to the section that states this subpoena was good only to 1997 NO! ( ineffective assistance of counsel/ same question for Michael Redenberg) legal malpractice
ADA Spiro, did you make a single phone call to Col. Kevin C. Reilly, MD, to confirm the facts in Ms. Radins case NO!
ADA Spiro, did Einstein produce written-published-faculty-approved hearing procedure in Ms. Radin's case? NO!
ADA Spiro, did Einstein produce a certified verbatim transcript of a hearing in Ms. Radin's case? NO!
-At sentencing Mr. Michael Redenberg will be making a fool out of himself.
Tampering with records- evidence.
(1) Mr. Redenderg will be presenting a letter from Mike Potegal that confirms that I applied to medical schools in 1993-1994. See the "beyond the call of duty" letter.
Mike's letter cross-referenced to the form on Columbia University letterhead stationary shows that Einstein tampered with my records. Einstein changed the date on that form. Dishonest lawyers and doctors changed that date from 199"3" to try and make the "3" look like a "9" as in "1999".
They were trying to deceive Judge Simpson into believing that I waived my rights to see my letters of recommendation after I matriculated at Einstein in August !994. That is not true. I waived my rights to see my letters of recommendation pursuant to an application I made in 1993 to 1994, not pursuant to a need to access evidence and information to protect my life against a bunch of racist psychopaths who are lying about my past
(2) At sentencing Mr. Redenberg will be presenting a letter from James J. Daw, Jr. that protects me from the psycho-path dishonest pyschiatrist, James David. The first question Judge McLaughlin should ask is: Mr. Redenberg, why didn't you present this letter/ evidence at trial?,thereby demonstrating ineffective assistance of council, obstruction, and legal malpractice.
(3) I applied to medical schools in 1993-1994 as confirmed by Mike Potegal- did ADA Spiro make a single phone call to confirm that? I made a transfer application in 1997 wherein I agreed not to see my letters of recommendation (in 1993-1994) pursuant to an application to medical schools.
-I never signed a waiver agreeing not to access and publish my letters of recommendation pursuant to a need to defend myself against bogus criminal charges and to stop psychopaths like James David fromlying about me and my past.
ADA Spiro, did you subpoena my secracy agreement from Schering- Plough, a company prosecuted by Christ Christie? NO!
ADA Spiro, did you ask Ms. Radin how she witnessed false records being created by ommissions and the insistence that words and phrases be changed in an article by the N.Y. Times magazine section? NO!
Notice of motion to vacate the verdict/ motion to vacate the conviction.
-With this letter, I am putting Judge McLaughlin on notice that I will be making a motion to vacate this verdict/conviction based on prosecutorial misconduct, malicious prosecution abuse of process by ADA Spiro, obstruction of justice; official misconduct by Judge Simpson for refusing to enforce a valid subpoena for all my records including my letters of recommendation thereby putting my life at risk and causing me and my family to continue to live in fear. Ineffective assistance of council by two state appointed attorneys; and misconduct by my private attorney, Michael Redenberg.
-Judge McLaughlin can see this motion taking shape on my blog,
The purpose of my blog is to protect my life against psychopaths like Nino Falcone and Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski as well as James David.
Stacy Dix- Kielbiowski accused me of mailing threatening letters to Judge Nesle A. Rodriguez, but, as per Debra Simon's investigation, cannot produce them or their post marked envelopes.
-The truth is Nino Falcone mailed me a threatening letter and the Hudson County Prosecutor's office refused to protect me and my family.
-Overall this verdict is based on:
(1) perjury by Michael Reichgott.
(2) Defaming statements by James David, a complaining witness with a retaliatory motive.
(3) medical malpractice by the psychiatrist who signed the application for a court ordered psychiatric exam.
(4) Todd Olson did not even testify, a constitutional issue[ this is a propaganda technique to try and manage my case so that it looks like the Marlen Abramova case]
(5) Michael Redenberg refused to call witnesses like Mike Tyberg, Mr. Greenberg, Tom Shanahan, Jeevan Padiyar and more.
(6) evidence that would vindicate me from my medical school was and is deliberately not given to me.
-Also I move to be released from jail pending immediate motions to vacate/ vacate the conviction, pending a immediate appeal, and so that I can get medical care for my spinal injuries which are getting worse, and so that I can engage in effective council -The only thing that jail can offer me is major pain killers, so that I can become a drug addict thereby compounding the harm to me. My Asian doctor in contrast was teaching me pressure point techniques to promote healing without addictive drugs.
Enclosed are my medical records from N.Y. state, which have been already randomly checked for fraud and found to be genuine, pursuant to my social security disability application/ payments.( this is an insurance program I paid into while I was working,not a welfare program.
That shows (1) James David is not creditable
(2) that I demonstrate insight, leadership, and think clearly, has good cognition in other words that I do not have a thought disorder.
(3)that the psychiatrist responsible for the court ordered psychiatric exam is ill informed, does not possess enough facts in my case and is subject to medical malpractice claim by me, and I want that person's name immediately, so that I can protect myself against this person.
(4) that the physical assault on me in Jersey City on 9/30/08 was so violent, that months after that attack a doctor, not paid by me and was doing everything she could to downplay my symptoms found swelling and tenderness as indicative of the amount of violent force I sustained.
I demand to have my medical records from social security disability fro 2008 to 2009 certified and entered into the court records to show my spinal injuries/ disability and I want to enter into the record another report from an independent doctor, not paid by me, paid by my car insurance company, who, too, was doing everything he could to downplay my injuries, and, still found "crimping" a condition whereby the bones in my spine do not fit together well leading to pain each time I move.
-In addition, please find my medical records from Aric Hausknecht and a certification.
-I want to enter the rest of my medical records from Dr. Hausknecht that speaks to the trauma inflicted upon me, intentionally, by Jersey City Medical Center acting in concert with dishonest attorney and municipal court judge in North Bergen N.J.,Nino Falcone, and John Scarfone, dishonest lawyer from my medical school.
- Recall, in this case Scarfone admitted to contact with Asaf Rosenheim, who Nino Falcone called as a witness in my landlord tenant case demonstrating contact between my landlord tenant case in N.J. and my federal case in New York; contact which discredits Dr. Jelnov at Jersey City Medical center and speaks to my medical school stalking me in attempts to discredit me as a witness against my medical school.
Why Me: notice requirement:
My case provides the "notice" that other students can use to press their cases against my medical school to show that the transgressions against them are not one-time honest mistakes, but,are, in fact, a deliberate pattern and practice of criminal conduct.
Dr. Hausknecht faxed my medical records to Jersey City Medical Center during my false imprisonment from 9/30/08 to 10/3/08. That hospital deliberately omitted facts to create an international false record, one that was used in an attempt to defraud the State of New Jersey's medical program.
-Demonsrtating ineffective assistance of council, Mr. Redenberg refused to call witnesses like Dr, Hausknecht from N.Y. or Judge Rodriguez or Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski from New Jersey.
Judge Nesle A. Rodriguez, Dix-Kielbiowski, and others were in contact with my medical school pursuant to federal student loan fraud since February 2007, at least.
Orders of protection for me immediately.
-I want nothing to do with my medical school, Yeshiva University or anyone remotely associated with these psychopaths and demand orders of protection for me immediately.
-A real attack:
I remind the court that because of these psychopaths, I am the real victim of a real physical attack that left me with real spinal injuries and real pain, while a psychopath like James David plays dirty lawyer tricks, and stupid word games, and argues weakly about "potential violence".
Yours, Lidya Maria Radin.
Lidya Maria Radin, copies to ADA Spiro, DA Vance, Judge McLaughlin, Redenberg.
Certification- I certify under penalty of perjury that I caused a copy of this letter/motion to be mailed/FedX'ed to District Attorney Vance at 1 Hogan pl. in New York City and a copy to be provided to my attorney Michael Redenberg and a copy to be delivered by hand and by FedX to Judge McLaughlin through the Clerk of Court at 100 Center St. New York, N.Y. in preparation of the date of sentencing on Monday, May 24, 2010. Lidya Maria Radin, 20-may-2010, Thursday
- Certification for Aric Hausknecht's medical records.
-Medical records from Aric Hausknecht showing mental status exams on 7/29/2008 that show no thought or mood disorders, contrary to James David's defaming statements, and that show debilitating spinal injuries and a pinched nerve.
-Medical records pursuant to Social Security disability that show the violence of the attack on 9/30/2008 as a direct result of Nino Falcone in concert with my medical school defaming me in Jersey City, an attack that on a copromised spine could have resuted in my death or paralysis. These records also show, 12/26/2008 that I have no thought disorder "demonstrates insight, good cognition-thinks clearly". These records also show that I am making good faith efforts to report violence towards me and am asking for law enforcement; law enforcement protects the criminals, not their victim(s).
-I want these records from Jersey City showing Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski acting in concert with Nino Falcone, Asaf Rosenheim, Ralph and Magda Pagnozzi and John Scarfone/Einstein/Yeshiva University lied about me and almost caused my death.
-Letter to Judge Nesle A Rodriguez protesting obstruction of justice on 20- February-2009.
-Letter from Jersey City, playing games to avoid testimony by Judge Nesle A. Rodriguez in contact with Judge Shawndya Simpson; notably Judge simpson refused to enforce a valid subpoena, thereby continuing the harm and risk to me, my family my friends and other witnesses and innocent victims, plus post-marked envelope.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
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