Sunday, May 30, 2010

No excuse mistakes

No excuse mistakes--brief summary examples

(1) Judge McLaughlin admitted Scarfone lied-no certification/no records pgs.190,198,336
(2)Pg.197-hearsay,Todd Olson did not show up,so Scarfone testified for him,illegally,pg. 169 hearsay.
(3) No records in Federal Court:Scarfone lied, pgs.190,198,336.
(4) Youtube videos,merits,not procedure-see Riesel's testimony,he argues procedure, not merits of Federal case.All ADA Spiro's complaining witnesses have a retaliatory motives; I was named as a witness against them.
(5)Witnesses: Olson does not show up-illegal.
Daw, taken out of turn-trick
Riesel- no first hand knowledge p. 126
Scarfone-No first hand knowledge p.144
Riesel and Scarfone point the finger at Martin Bockstein, p.355
Reishgott and David committed perjury and have retaliatory motives.
Judge Mclaughlin made a finding that Scarfone lied on the witness stand--there is no certification for my records.
I asked repeatedly to have my complete-unedited records provided to me in front of lots of witnesses,that we could go through page by page to confirm, to put Tris issue to rest, and repeatedly my school has tried every dirty trick in order not to do this,including having some judge,like Judge Simpson,do an inspection of my records without me being present. How would Judge Simpson know if she is looking at a false record or not? She does not know any of the facts in my case.
Example of false record--As an example,Yeshiva tampered with a document from Columbia University. Yeshiva changed the date on a form,changed the "3"in the date 1993 to look like a "9" to make it appear that I waived my rights to see my letters of recommendation in 199"9" when that is a lie
Gist of complaint-the gist of my complaint is that Yeshiva tampered with my records,that Yeshiva created false records to lie about me and my past.We witnessed this happening in this case
How would Judge Simpson know if my records were accurate or not? She never checked the facts with me,as demonstrated by this example.
Judge Mclaughlin made a finding that the school lied,to wit:
Scarfone,pg.190:"She's claimed for years in no matter what forum we provide certified records that have always been altered,edited,something's wrong with them"
Scarfone,pg.198: "We produced in Federal Court during her litigation and we produced in response to this court's subpoena certified copies of her educational records" Nope! show me
David,pg.336:Judge Mclauglin admitted the school lied!
The court:" There is no certification"
-Redenburg does not object--show me how the school produced in the Federal litigation---show me--- how the school produced in this trial--they cannot. They lied
-There is no proof that I got my complete -unedited records, ever!

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