Sunday, June 6, 2010

No excuse mistakes

Lidya Radin
No excuse mistakes.
For Debra Simon,prosecutor,Hudson County Prosecutors Office: From covering-up Federal Student Loan Fraud to attempted murder-premeditated.Brief summary, followed by details:
Question: What is the proof that Dr. Jelnov threatened you? and acted on his threats?.
Answer: He created a false medical record.

Jelnov omitted Hausknecht's 7/29/08 exam that found I had no mental illness; he omitted Hausknecht's 9/30/08 exam that found I had no mental illness; he diagnosed me as "delusional" claiming I had the false belief that there was contact between my landlord tenant case in Jersey City and my federal case(s) in N.Y.
There are! A number of different ways, including admissions by Jersey city Medical Center and information I shared with my landlord since February 2007.
Aric Hausknecht, MD, board certified in Psychiatry, Neurology, and Pain management.
7/10/08 Judge Nesle Rodriquez refused to put "no-contact" order in writing, again.
7/29/08-Hausknecht-I am not mentally ill.
7/30/08-Judge Rodriquez refused to put "no-contact" order in writing again.
Late July 08 Robert Cross and I testify against landlords and Falcone.
Early August 2008- Landlords violate "no contact" order.Court refused to take my complaint, police refused to protect, Judge Rodriquez refused to enforce her order.
9/12/08 I hand-billed, Judge Nesle Rodriquez is embarassed.
9/12/08 Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski created a false medical record.
9/30/08-4pm Panic phone call from my family, Jersey City Medical Center is still harassing me.
9/30/08-4pm picked up certification from Patrick Williams- called Dr. Lambert to cancel pain management appointment.
9/30/08 4-5pm calls to Jersey City and Falcone's office- why are you all harassing my family?.
9/30/08-5-7pm Robert Cross and I went to police station in Jersey City, talked to the police officer who came to my apartment that day. I was not in a manic state.
Please leave me and my family alone. Police tell me they don't know whats going on.
I should talk to Jersey City Medical Center; police say,go talk to your landlords too.
7pm- Robert Cross and I arrive at Jersey City Med. Ctr. before we are in Stewart's ER.
9/30/08 to 10/3/08 Jersey City Medical Ctr. created a false medical record, falsely imprisoned me, almost murdered me, false imprisonment, witness tampering (witness tampering is a class e felony in N.Y. Fraud was used to try and bill me and medicaid for 15,000.
10/1/08-There was no eviction
10/22/08-I moved to New York City. Dan Carrow's statement that I moved in on 10/1/08 is a false statement, an attempt to cover -up for Nino Falcone's crimes, by creating a false record in New York.

Brief summary continued.
9/18/08 Asaf Rosenheim called John Scarfone, associate general council, Yeshiva University thereby discrediting Dr. Jelnov, irrefutably, there is direct contact between my landlord tenant case in Jersey City and my federal Case in New York.(I testified against Asaf Rosenheim twice).
Sunday, 9/22/08-Trip to Ft Knox.
Monday 9/22/08- Meeting with Col. Kevin C. Reilly at Ft.Knox.
I passed through security, made phone calls, have receipts, ample hard evidence plus witnesses.
Tuesday 9/23/08-Went to Washington DC. I was not at John Scarfone's house in New York, I was at the Pentagon.
Wednesday-9/24/08-I was back in Jersey City, and got a phone call from the Pentagon, they told me put as much as you can on the Internet, for everyone to see.
Thursday 9/25/08- I won against my landlords.
9/24/08 to 9/30/08 Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski refused to return phone calls, but she sends people to my home to harass- check phone records.
Friday, 9/26/08 I went with Robert Cross to Jersey City Med. Ctr., talked to Dr. Chang- Dr. Chang, please leave me and my family alone- stop sending your employees to my home to frighten my family with false information.
Tuesday, 9/30/08 10 am to noon, Saw, Dr. Hausknecht, I am not "manic" Stewart Lied later that day.
9/30/08-noon-talked to Patrick Williams; he was willing to give me a certification at 4pm..
This is for Debra Simon, Hudson County Prosecutor's office.
Litigation points, as follows:
Question: What is the proof that Dr. Jelnov threatened you? and acted on his threats?
Answer: His conduct, he created a false medical record..
Dr. Hauskneckt faxed my medical records to JCMC during my false imprisonment from 9/30/08 to 10/3/08.
We know that Dr. Jelnov got the fax because in my medical records at JCMC, he used the words "cervical impairment". JCMC did no tests to confirm my spinal injuries.

Dr. Jelnov deliberately omitted the medical status exam that Dr. Hausknecket performed on 7/29/08 that found no thought disorders, psychosis, no schizophrenia and no mood disorders (no bipolar illness).
Dr. deliberately ommitted the fact that I talked to Dr. Hausknecket in the morning on 9/30/08. I talked to Dr. Lambert's office about 4 pm on 9/30/08, and I talked to Patrick Williams about 4 pm on 9/30/08, after I talked to him earlier om 9/30/08. I was not in a manic state. see page 2a.
(2a) Dr. Jelnov tried to diagnose me as "delusional" claiming that I had the false belief that there was contact between my landlord tenant case in Jersey City and my federal cases in New York
There is !
Scarfone swore in his affidavit that he spoke to Asaf Rosenheim on 9/18/08 days before my false imprisonment on 9/30/08, in this case, docket no. 2009-NY-048859.
Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski admitted to contact with my medical school too.
My medical records at JCMC, her professors from Einstein thought she should have a psychiatric exam; this was on 9/30/08. I did. On 7/29/08, that found I was not mentally ill, Dix never discussed this with me.
I talked to Stacy Dix- Kielbiowski on 9/12/08. She did not ask about this and she deliberately created a false screening document by omitting all evidence that I showed her about how Einstein had committed Federal Student Loan fraud.
My Mother and Bob Cross were not in the room with me on 9/12/08. My Mother was at home in my apartment in Jersey City. There was no room , Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski talked to me outside the court room on 9/12/08. Robert Cross and I sat on benches out side the court room on 9/12/08 to talk to Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski. My Mother was not there. She was home in my apartment in Jersey city.
I hand-billed the court that day to inform the community that Judge Rodriquez was a dishonest Judge who refused to enforce a "no contact" order during early August 2008, because if she had, Judge Fast could have never made a ruling for my landlords in another court. It is impossible to negotiate in good faith with land lords who violate a "no-contact" order repeatedly.

Michael Stewart Lied!
First, he claimed he had the "right" to hold me based on "history at JCMC.
After I demonstrated that history was fraud, and posted on the internet, to protect my life,Stewart changed his story to say he had the "right" to hold me because he claimed I was in a "manic"state" in his ER on 9/30/08, after a physical attack. I was physically assaulted before we were in Stewart's ER. Robert Cross mis-spoke when he testified in front of the Hudson County Freeholder's meeting. Because I was compelled to question him very quickly. We only had 5 minutes to place the facts on the record to protect our lives, so I had to question him fast.
Weather or not I was in a "manic state" is irrelevant.
Stewart does not have the "right" to hold anyone unless he can demonstrate that person is an immediate danger to himself or others. He could not.
Dr. Jelnov with criminal intent, created a false medical record at JCMC by deliberately omitting Dr. Hausknecket's 7/29/08 mental status exam that found I was not mentally ill, and by deliberately omitting Dr. Hausknecket's exam on 9/30/08, again performed in the morning on 9/30/08 that found I was not mentally ill, and by deliberately omitting the fact that I spoke with Dr. Lambert's office and Patrick Williams about 4pm and again, there was no evidence that I was in a "manic state", I spoke to a number of people from 4pm to 5pm trying to get a straight answer about why JCMC was sending mental health workers to my home at 4pm on 9/30/08 to frighten my family by telling them there would be a pad-lock put the very next day on my door and my belongings would be thrown into the street including evidence the protected me from Judge Nino Falcone. I called Falcone's office between4pm and 5pm on 9/30/08 and could not get a straight answer.

There was no eviction for 10/1/08; Falcone lied to Stacy Dix-Kielbiowski.
I won against my landlords on Thursday,9/25/08; there was no eviction. Judge Fast gave me the waiver to hand-deliver to the landlords and their lawyer who had a copy on that date too.
JCMC was not "helping me through an eviction"; there was no eviction the landlords and their attorney had Judge Fast's waiver- they lied to JCMC.JCMC did not check the facts with me.
JCMC almost murdered me (Debra Simon has premeditated attempted murder).
They studied my behavior on Thursday, 9/25/08 and Friday 9/26/08 and they knew that if they sent mental health workers to my home to frighten my family with false information, that I would go down to JCMC demand to speak with a supervisor to stop JCMC from harassing me and my family.
They knew( the attacks on me were premeditated) what they were doing every step along the way.
What a judge has to ask is what is the worse thing that could have happened after JCMC attacked me, trying to recover from spinal injuries on 9/30/08?
Answer: Paralysis or death. Dr. Jelnov held me as a prisoner in his locked psychiatric ward denying me access to pain management making me suffer in real physical pain while he played stupid mind games; this is the very nature of torture.
I was not "treated and released" on Thursday, 9/25/08.
I can account for all my time on that day, to wit: I spent all day in court. I won against my landlords between 4:30 and 5pm. I went home to eat dinner between 5pm and 6pm.
There was a fax sent from Jersey City Municipal Court located on Summit Ave. to JCMC about 6pm. There was no reason for this fax. I won in Judge Fast's courtroom located on Newark Ave., blocks away. I had not seen Judge Nesle Rodriquez ( in municipal court on Summit Ave. since 9/12/08).
What does my winning against my landlords on Thursday, 9/25/08 have to do with a fax sent from Judge Rodriquez's court, located blocks away from Judge Fast's court, to JCMC? Check the phone records! That fax sent JCMC on me and my family at 9:30 pm on Thursday, 9/30/08. From 6:30pm to 9:30pm I was at FedX-Kinko's in Hoboken posting evidence on the internet, on my blog. About 9:30 pm I went home to Jersey City.
At 9:30pm, after I Parked my car in Jersey City I was harassed on the street by mental health workers from JCMC.
I was not "treated and released" by JCMC on 9/25/08- that is a false statement. Witnesses saw me at my home at 278 third st., in Jersey City, telling Jersey City mobile crisis team to stop harassing me and my family. I won against my landlords. There was no eviction.

I was not "arrested and released" in Washington D.C. That is a false statement.
Who is the arresting officer? Where is the warrant? who made the complaint?
There is none!

Debra Simon has to face the following:
(a) The Hudson County Prosecutors office has been covering up federal student loan fraud by Yeshiva University, and phone calls from, then, Congressman Menendez's office can be confirmed (check the phone records, I can name names.
(b) Tracy McQaide, prosecutor, at Hudson County prosecutors office, refused to enforce a criminal court Judge's "no-contact" order issued in January 2008. Had she done so,I would not have been physically attacked at JCMC
James David has been lying about me for years, so has Scarfone.
In the 2006 Abramova case, I was named as a witness against Scarfone, David and Yeshiva University.
In that case Scarfone lied about me. I gave Debra Simon enough information during an interview (after I moved to N.Y.after 10/22/08) that she acknowledged Scarfone and Yeshiva lied about me.

From page 5 of Lidya Radin's sentencing trial. page 5

Honor,for Miriam Turkel and Vilma Kalten who were initially named on the orders of protection and were removed. These two women testified at trial and we are requesting that they be added as well

THE COURT: Mr. Redenburge.
MR. REDENBURGE: Judge, as a initial matter I am in receipt of the PSI pre sentence report.
THE DEFENDANT: I am not, I have never seen it.
MR. REDENBURGE: Judge, based on the letters I recently submitted to your honor and pursuant to the fact that Ms. Radin has a stellar professional work history, this supports the proposition that Ms. Radin can contribute socially and economically to society.
The crime that is the subject of this matter is not a crime of violence, there are no arms involved, no force applied. And remember,this is Ms. Radin's first contact with the criminal justice system in her 51 years.
The longer the sentence imposed on Ms. Radin the longer she will be supported by tax payers, the longer the sentence the lesser time for rehabilitation. Further, the longer she is incarcerated the longer the community loses her social and economic contributions.
If you impose a jail sentence, what is the most we can wish for, that she uses her obvious intelligence to forge new relationships with criminals.

From page 7 of Lidya Radin's sentencing trial. page 7

THE COURT: I have read the letter from Mr. Protogal to whom it may concern.
THE DEFENDANT: What it says, your honor, is that I applied to medical school in 1993, you have a document that says I signed a waiver in 1993, it was changed to 1999. The gist of my argument is that the medical school tampered with my evidence. I did not forge that document and you have a document from Columbia University that I signed in 1993 pursuant to my application to medical school. I tried to make a transfer application in 1997 and there was no waiver that I signed on Columbia University letterhead in 1999. The three was changed to a nine to deceive, that is the gist of my argument.
THE COURT: Okay, than I need not hear anymore.
Are you finished?
What else would you like to say?
THE COURT: Not you, your lawyer.
What else Mr. Redenburge?
MR.REDENBURGE: Judge I am having a hard time communicating with you because Ms. Radin wants to see something. I don't know if your honor would like me to address you or Ms. Radin?
THE COURT: I am simply trying to do it the way..

These two pages were hand-delivered to Gerald J. DiChiara 212 679 1958 and to Wiley Deck of Cogressman John Mica's office.

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